+ Privacy Policy


frogfuzz is committed to customer service and satisfaction. We realize that many customers are wary about shopping on-line and sharing their personal info. We has created this privacy policy to better inform you of the practices we use on our web site. If you have any questions, please contact us at e-mail; info@frogfuzz.com

frogfuzz.com & COOKIES
“Cookies” are files stored on your computer’s hard drive by your internet browser. These cookies help us identify our account holders and optimize their shopping experience. They do not include any data that will identify you personally. They will, however, allow you to use some specialized features. Cookies also allow us to hold selections in your shopping cart when you leave our site without checking out. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but allow you to disable them if you wish.

Ordering From SHOP.frogfuzz.com
When you order from frogfuzz.com, we need your name, email address, shipping address and credit card number/expiration date. We use this data to process your order, ship it and send you order and shipping confirmations via email. Except as provided in this privacy policy, we will not sell, rent, or give out this data to any other organization without your consent. (However, we will cooperate fully should a situation arise where we are required by law or requested by a law enforcement agency to provide information about a customer.)

We use the purchases you make to customize our product recommendations. We also track customer traffic patterns and site usage. Traffic and usage data is used only to improve our site’s design and provide our customers with a fulfilling shopping experience.

Credit Card Processing
Your credit card information is retained by the payment processing service “Stripe” and is not obtained by us. Please refer to the Stripe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy on their website (https://stripe.com/jp/legal/ssa).

Customer Service
you may also email us at info@frogfuzz.com. When you email us, your emails are stored within our system so that we may refer to previous emails from you as needed so that we may properly address your questions and concerns. Except as provided in this privacy policy, the information you provide to our customer service department is not shared with anyone without your consent.

Secure Shopping
We use state-of-the-art Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect your personal information. The only time you are required to sign on our site is when you are making a purchase. On the Checkout page, you will be asked to access your existing account or create a new one. Existing account holders are prompted for their ID (your email address) and password. This password is for your protection.

Changes To Privacy Policy
We will notify all customers and account holders of material policy changes via email as they arise. These changes will be found on this page.

Questions About Our Polices
If you have any questions regarding your privacy or any of our policies, please contact our Customer Service Department by email at info@frogfuzz.com






      • お客様が閲覧した商品: この情報はお客様が最近閲覧した商品を表示するためなどに使用します。

      • 場所、IP アドレス、ブラウザーのタイプ:この情報は、税金の見積りや配送のために使用します。

      • お届け先住所: 事前にご入力いただくと、配送の見積りを行ったり、そのままご注文のお届け先として使用できます。

    サイトの閲覧中にお買い物カゴの内容を追跡するために Cookie も使用しています。

    当サイトから購入される際、お客様の名前、請求先住所、お届け先住所、メールアドレス、電話番号、クレジットカード/支払い情報と、必要に応じてアカウント情報 (ユーザー名とパスワードなど) を提供していただきます。この情報を使用する目的には、以下が含まれます。

        • アカウントと注文に関する情報を送信します

        • 返金や苦情を含め、お客様からのリクエストに対応します

        • 決済を処理し、不正を防止します

        • 当サイトストア用のアカウントをセットアップします

        • あらゆる法的義務を順守します (税金の計算など)

        • ストアサービスを改善します







          • 購入内容、購入日、送信先などの注文情報。

          • お客様の名前、メールアドレス、請求先情報、お届け先情報などの顧客データ。







